Thursday, June 18, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (reviewed in 100 words or less)

It's usually a bad sign if a movie has a colon and, regardless of how perfectly Jackman plays the adamantium-enhanced anti-hero, the colon curse is all over this one. XMO:W is a litany of missed opportunities that fails to service existing followers or attract new ones. Heroes and villains that long-time fans look forward to exposing to the uninitiated turn out to be weak reinventions and hardly worth the screen-time. The plot stays reasonably true to its comic forebear but cramming such extensive canon into this short, forgettable and generic action flick clearly doesn't do it justice.

1 comment:

weaselfeet said...

Couldn't agree more. If you grab the first X-Men movie and drop the cast to 3.5 people, throw in a dozen token acknowlegments to other players in the mutie world and randomly shuffle it around 4 action scenes you get X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

The one saving grace? You get a few minutes of Gambit ... not a "great" Gambit, but a good Gambit to be sure. At least it wasn't analagous to the insulting wave at Colossus seen in X-Men and X2.