Monday, March 23, 2009

Dollhouse, Series 1, Episode 6, Man On The Street

**No spoilers**

If I was ever wrong about a TV show it would be this one. As the weeks have gone by I've been slowly edging towards the door, expecting a failure of Sarah Connor-strophic proportions. But tonight Joss Whedon revealed some of the magic that has made his other shows so captivating.

If you've been following the series so far you'll know that we've been treated to a barely original premise involving brainwashed 'actives' that are reprogrammed to suit any mission. These missions can be dangerous. They can also be sexy. A disgraced FBI agent, played by Helo from BSG, has been assigned to uncover the secret of the 'Dollhouse', a task on par with detecting the Loch Ness monster, attracting ridicule from his peers.

Despite some standout performances from Echo/Eliza Dushku, the standalone storylines have been weak and/or laced with cliche. This week, however, the overarching plot took centre stage.

And it blew my socks off.

In one week this show has gone from 'meh' to 'must watch'. If you haven't already, I recommend you check it out!

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