Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Heroes Series 3, Episode 18, 'Exposed'


The fractured third season of Heroes continues with another episode of what feels more like stalling for time rather than travelling through it. Speaking of which, now that the inimitable Hiro Nakamura has lost his powers, it's up to Sylar to carry the quality-can while all the B-grade heroes scurry backwards and forwards to pad out the show.

I'm happy to say that he did so with aplomb this week and almost made up for the vomit inducing teenie romance between the cheerleader and fish-guy. Zachary Quinto seems to be growing another dimension outside of just mean looks and gravelly delivery so it's a shame that he's leaving the rest of the cast trailing behind as his character develops. As soon as his movie career hits its stride I don't expect we'll see much more of him on NBC.

Back to this episode and there were only a handful of WTF moments, chiefly fish-guy's escape from the Bennett household by predictably hiding underwater (thanks for reminding us about his special ability forty-seven times throughout the show Adam/Kay) but then keeping Claire conscious by snogging her. I think that all the empathic stress of watching Claire drown and relief (perhaps) with her subsequent revival would have been far more involving and convincing for the audience than the lame and implausible kiss.

The high spot was learning about Gabriel's past through Sylar's flashbacks, although the accompanying music 'The Chain' by Fleetwood Mac didn't sit quite right for me personally, purely because I'm British and I'll always associate it with Formula One and Murray Walker.

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